Saltlake Drishti Centre for Learning Disabilityis a NGO working for children with learning difficulty.Autism, ADHD, Down’s syndrome, Mental Retardation and Spastic children (without wheel chair) are included in daily training. SDCLD believes love, affection and acceptance are essential in life for all and also for children who differently able, to lead them to mainstream living.
Acceptance of their views, thoughts and imagination in treating them is essential. Though presently we are aware that we are not able to reach profound or severe mental retardation, children on wheel chair, blind, children with hearing loss at pour centre, as we are not yet having that infrastructure to fulfill their to requirement. Surely we are helping these children through home based home based program and home visits in the community. We are all here to, not only train or educate these children but also to help them in every possible way, humanly possible with compassion. It’s all by God’s grace.